Please remind your teachers that you will be attending the workshop all day. Be responsible and let all of your teachers know as early as possible. 

Bring a lunch and a snack. 

We will meet in the Commons area at 7:40am. Do not go to your first class. Report to the Commons!

A final list of all students participating will be posted outside of 814 and emailed to all teachers. If you are not sure if you should attend, either email me or come see me on Monday or Wednesday during FLEX! 

Dr. MC

I have already visited with 6A and 6B. I will be with 6C and 6D next week. We have had some amazing discussions on talent development, different ideas of intelligence, and what the PRISM program offers all students. If you have any questions about PRISM, make sure you drop by my room during your FLEX period.

Your project should be shared with me no later than 10/9 at If you select a paper option, bring it in by 10/9.

Don't forget: our PRISM calendar is on the site. Know what days we meet and attend only those sessions.

9.22.14 PRISM for ALL

Review Stations: 

Sleep and the Teen Brain

How many hours should you be sleeping each night?

How does electronic use before bedtime interfere with your brain’s ability to rest and process information?

Why is sleep so important for long-term memory?

Long-Term Memory

Explain the 10/24/7 rule.

Why is it important to review material each day in small chunks instead of cramming right before a test?

How can we make stronger neural pathways?

Multiple Intelligences & Growth Mindset

What are the 9 multiple intelligences defined by Howard Gardner?

Why is it more valuable to build a team of different types of thinkers instead of relying on one predominant strength?

What is a growth mindset?


Are You Left Brain or Right Brain - TeacherTube

What are the strengths of the right brain thinkers?

What are the strengths of the left brain thinkers?

How can you use these strengths to build a more powerful, collaborative, problem-solving team?

Reminder: The FPS workshop is currently full. If you want to be placed on a waiting list, please submit your permission slip. Othewise, see me for other research options in PRISM. FPS is only ONE of our many programs!

Always check our schedule!

This is a great review video on the topics we have been discussing in PRISM.

Our FPS workshop is at capacity as of this afternoon. Students will be placed on a waiting list and if space becomes available, they will be notified of the opening.

Thank you for your strong interest in FPS. Please do not forget that there are many research avenues in PRISM. FPS is only one opportunity.
There are only a few empty spots for the FPS workshop. Don't worry! If you do not attend the workshop, you can still participate in PRISM this year. There are plenty of exciting enrichment opportunities waiting for you!


  • What have we discovered so far about ourselves as learners?
  • What do we know about our brain that will help us be more successful problem solvers?

Circadian Rhythms and the Teen Brain

  • What is your sleep debt?
  • What are the affects of sleep deprivation?
  • How does the circadian clock shift for teens?


Complete your video questions from Wednesday. Remember, you only have to answer 10!

Left Brain vs Right Brain

Take the Left Brain – Right Brain Quiz for Teens at  Remember that you may actually be Whole Brain, and exhibit qualities of both Left and Right Brain behavior (I do).
Read the “Advice for (Left / Right) Brain Students” that will appear after you complete the quiz.  Bring in your results on Monday so that we can discuss them with the class.

FPS Permission Slips are due back to me by 10/1, but due to space constraints, the workshop is first-come, first-served. We can only accommodate 80 participants. If you are seriously interested in participating in FPS this year, return your signed permission slip to me ASAP! 

Understanding my tween/teen brain.

Let's build on our talents and strengths. You are working to become a strong researcher with the tools necessary for this year and beyond. Your success in high school and college begin with the strong foundation you build for yourself in middle school. Find your passion!

Why is the Prefrontal Cortex considered the CEO of your brain?

Why is it essential for you to protect your brain?

Thanks PRISM crew for a great class discussion today. Be safe with your noggin!


Watch at least one part/segment of The Teen Brain.

Come into class tomorrow prepared to discuss at least three pieces of information you learned from this program that you found interesting.   

You are to complete viewing the ENTIRE program by Monday, September 22, and complete any 10 of the following questions:

  1. Parents may feel that for a brief period of time that their teenager is inhabited by…..?
  2. When will the period of rapid brain growth occur again for baby Natalie?
  3. What brain function is associated with gray matter?
  4. What did most people mistakenly believe about brain development?
  5. At what age has the brain reached 95% of its development?
  6. Explain what the brain grows like?
  7. Explain the “use it or lose it” principle in relation to brain development.
  8. Describe what the pre-frontal cortex is in charge of (ie. what it does).
  9. Where in the brain does the change occur that helps teens to regulate their emotions and solve problems effectively?
  10. In the study conducted at McLean hospital, how did teen brains compare to adult brains? (ie. describe the differences)
  11. What do the results of the McLean hospital study suggest about teen brains?
  12. Based on the findings from the McLean study, explain why miscommunication between teens & adults might occur?
  13. Explain why teens read emotions differently than adults
  14. How much sleep does an average teen get?
  15. What is the optimal amount of sleep that a teenager needs?
  16. What is the concern about teens with regards to their sleep patterns?
  17. What does your brain do while sleeping after learning a new skill?

REMINDER: FPS permission slips are due ASAP for the 10/3 training. Only 80 students can participate in the event. 

Take a handout and write your strongest intelligence from the assessment across the blank side of the paper.

  • What does this mean for you as a learner?

  • What does this mean for you as a collaborative team member moving forward?


You know your strengths as a learner. What habits can you put into place to fill in gaps? Check this out. 

Read the article from Medical Daily.

Come prepared to discuss parts of the article that stood out to you based on what we are learning and your knowledge of science. 

What is neuroplasticity or brain plasticity? Click here to find out more!

What is the PRISM philosophy?

What does PRISM stand for and what does it mean to you?

Multiple Intelligence Theory

Go to:

Take the assessment and copy down your results and your CODE. Bring them to PRISM on Tuesday.

Preview this short video on famous failures -

What does this mean for you as a modern problem solver?

See you during your FLEX period in the Media Center!

You can access the webinar on this year's theme on YouTube at

Happy brainstorming! 
Dr. MC 

How to subscribe to the PRISM calendar:

To add a calendar using its address, follow these steps:
  1. Open your Google calendar.
  2. Click the down-arrow next to Other calendars (left side of screen)
  3. Select Add by URL from the menu. 
  4. Enter the address in the field provided.Our calendar address is
  5. Click Add calendar. The calendar will appear in the Other calendars section of the calendar list to the left.
Note: It may take up to 8 hours for changes in ICS feeds to reflect in your Google Calendar.

As both an educator and parent, I value strong school and family partenerships. In order to communicate important dates and announcements with parents and students involved in our PRISM program, I have signed up for Remind. It is a free program that allows educators to send "blasts" of information to people who subscribe. The system is closed and neither I,  nor the other subscribers, will see your information. You will also not be able to text a message back through the system. I hope this allows us all to stay up to date on the PRISM program. I look forward to meeting you at the PRISM Open House. If you sign up, you will receive a reminder the night before! 

Please email or call if you have any questions. 

Lego Robotics is meeting is Thursday, 9/11, in Room 216. 
Please contact Jeanne Weinmann for more information. 
Introduction to the NHD theme and the Resources of the National Archives and the White House Historical Association

Kick off our 2014-2015 academic year with a webinar to introduce teachers, students, and parents to the 2015 Leadership & Legacy in History NHD theme!  Join archivists and education specialists from the National Archives and Records Administration, and the White House Historical Association, NHD staff, teachers, students and coordinators to get the ideas flowing!

Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Time: 6pm ET / 3pm PT
Open to:  all NHD teachers, students, and parents
To register, click HERE

**The webinar is a resource for parents and students. It is not required for participation in PRISM at CMS. 

As part of a new district initiative, all 7th and 8th grade A&E math students will receive the PRISM for ALL programming during their FLEX periods. If after the  introduction to the program students decide PRISM is not for them, that is fine. They are not required to continue with PRISM after these sessions conclude, but students are certainly welcome to stay on board and select a research path that best fits their unique needs and passions. 

The 6th grade PRISM for ALL program is an overview of the PRISM mindset and will meet during 6th grade FLEX as follows:

Teams 6A & 6B 10/7, 10/14
Teams 6C & 6D 10/8, 10/15

Any 6th grader interested in PRISM and ALL A&E math students must attend these sessions. Please review our calendar for session information. 

Please click here to view the video which explains our district gifted programming.

- PRISM for All: Mondays – Thursdays, September 15 – October 16 (Grades 7 & 8)
This opening foundation curriculum will begin on Monday, September 15th and will continue Monday - Thursday through Thursday, October 16th.  Daily attendance is mandatory for all students considering participation in PRISM for 2014-15, as well as for all A&E Math students. Please note that A&E Math student participation is new this year, as part of a new WW-P district initiative.  

-PRISM for ALL (Grade 6): The orientation for all of our sixth graders will occur within Social Studies or Science classes based on team preference on September 24, 26, 29, or October 1 (teams may double up for this orientation if space permits). The 6th grade PRISM for All will begin October 6 during FLEX (Team A Mondays, Team B Tuesdays, Team C Wednesdays, Team D Thursdays). Daily attendance is mandatory for all students considering participation in PRISM for 2014-15, as well as for all A&E Math students.

- FPS Workshop: Friday, October 3

This is one of the two mandatory PRISM workshops held during the year. It will take place at CMS on Friday, October 3.  Students will not be permitted to participate in Future Problem Solving if they do not attend this workshop. This "in-school field trip" will take place in the Media Center and students must attend all-day (i.e., they will not be excused from the workshop for Band/Orchestra lessons, quizzes, etc.).  When students get the permission slip for this program, it indicates that it's their responsibility to advise their teachers that they will not be in class that day, and it's also the student’s responsibility to make up missed work or lessons. 
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