Updated Info: PRISM for ALL and A&E Math - New 2014-2015

As part of a new district initiative, all 7th and 8th grade A&E math students will receive the PRISM for ALL programming during their FLEX periods. If after the  introduction to the program students decide PRISM is not for them, that is fine. They are not required to continue with PRISM after these sessions conclude, but students are certainly welcome to stay on board and select a research path that best fits their unique needs and passions. 

The 6th grade PRISM for ALL program is an overview of the PRISM mindset and will meet during 6th grade FLEX as follows:

Teams 6A & 6B 10/7, 10/14
Teams 6C & 6D 10/8, 10/15

Any 6th grader interested in PRISM and ALL A&E math students must attend these sessions. Please review our calendar for session information. 

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