Join us if you dare! 

We need you to become a Maker Ambassador.

What is a maker? What is the maker movement? Check out this quick clip:

Ambassadors will tinker around with their projects, help the 4th grade teachers and students at Millstone River and present at a Maker Faire in the Spring. You will be blogging about your experiences and sharing what you learn with the world.

What is the maker movement?

If you are not failing, chances are you are not trying. Step outside of your comfort zone and don't be afraid. We are all here to help you move forward. Keep up with your research. It will lead you down several pathways, but all are worth your time because you will keep growing!

Pick a leader in the field you are interested in researching. What is his or her sphere of influence? Why should anyone care about or remember your leader? 

Are you being overwhelmed by the Edmodo notifications and updates?

Change your settings! If you do not want any updates sent to your email or phone, make sure all of the buttons are left unchecked.

Please do not forget that you signed a contract stating you would attend all sessions. If you are unable to make the sessions repeatedly, you will revolve out of the program. 

SPAM is a cultural icon of sorts. As we delve into the world of processed foods for FPS, I thought you might appreciate some British humor from Monty Python. If you start singing SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM in your classes, it is sure to bring a smile to the face of your teachers who understand the reference.

We will be collecting Spam for a Wall of Spam (lots of Spam - Spam-a-lot) and then donating them to the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen. If you would like to donate a can o' Spam, it would be appreciated!

Review these NAGC standards. What do they mean? How do you exhibit these? How will you improve through your role in PRISM? 

Discussion questions:

Reflection questions:

Send me your reflective responses through a Google Doc. 
In honor of our Food Day Extravaganza at CMS, here are specific food challenges for our Future Problem Solvers and Scenario Writers. Make sure you join our Edmodo and share your challenges with the PRISM community to earn PRISM bucks through a PRISM badge!

You may work alone or in teams! Share your photos and observations with me through our class Edmodo. Each day there will be a new discussion thread generated.

Friday 10/24  French fries challenge! Bake a small bag of frozen organic french fries at home, allow them to cool, and then store some of them a ziplock bag in the kitchen on a paper towel or paper plate. Make sure they are not refrigerated. Then get McDonald’s french fries and store some of the in the same manner. You should handle them carefully so you do not contaminate the samples. Keep them dry and do not add ketchup.Take comparison photos of the two bags each day until November 12. Keep all of your pictures and observations in a Google Document and share it with me from day #1!

Monday 10/27 Selfie with an unprocessed food item that you find in your home. Share it with our Edmodo class for PRISM bucks.

Tuesday 10/28 Create an artistic photo (or photo collage) of 5 processed foods and 5 unprocessed foods in your home. What do you notice?

Wednesday 10/29 Select raw produce for dessert at lunch or dinner and snap a selfie! Share it for PRISM bucks!

Thursday 10/30 Enjoy a healthy, unprocessed food item as you complete your Practice Problem #1 submission of the FPS site!

Friday 10/31 Read the ingredients and food labels of the Halloween candy you have collected. Do you know what is in your treat?

Saturday 11/1 Complete the Google Form before Sunday night (  and enjoy a healthy snack with all of that candy you have collected!

Attention all Scenario Writers!

Don't forget to attend our workshop during FLEX this Friday. Join the fun as we write a story together about the future of food. We will also review the scoring rubric and the FPS guidelines for your futuristic short stories (1500 word max).

Definition: Research is a systematic inquiry that investigates hypotheses, suggests new interpretations of data or texts, and poses new questions for future research to explore. Research is searching for and gathering information, usually to answer a particular question or problem.

Here are a few resources to assist you with the process:

What is research?

Critically Evaluating Sources

Group evaluation of an Internet site. 

Annotated Bibliographies.

Conducting research.

For your topic, answer the following questions in your Topic Selection document:

  • What is the topic?
  • Why is it significant?
  • What background material is relevant?
  • What organizational plan will best support my purpose?
Are you looking for a way to narrow your topic? Click here for some ideas. 

Please sign up to share and discuss your research through Diigo. It is a fantastic resource for storing and sharing with your group!

In NHD? This is your group page -

Are you interested in learning more about the maker movement and tinkering around in the PRISM room? If so, reach out to Dr. McLelland-Crawley with an email ASAP.

Decide as a team how you will meet up to complete your book for Practice Problem #1. Will you meet virtually or at a friend's house? Can you use the public library or the CMS Media Center after school to work as a team?

Log in to your account and begin working on your FPS book. You should work as a team to include (at a minimum) your challenges, UP, solutions, criteria, and grid before Monday! Use your BLUE FPS "bible" from the training to guide you through the process. This is a learning experience and you can only improve!

Please sign up to share and discuss your research through Diigo. It is a fantastic resource for storing and sharing with your group!

In FPS? This is your group page -

Review your challenge statements. Do they hold up to the rules? Are you using the FUZZY? Can you answer the 5 Ws?

Develop your UP tonight and have it for class tomorrow. 

Sign up for our Edmodo online classroom so we can break down the PRISM walls for a 24 hour classroom with glitter.

If you are new to FPS or Scenario Writing and/or do not have an account on NJFPS from last year, please complete the online form so that I can generate your username and passwords. Unfortunately, our gmail system will not allow you to receive email from the outside and the NJFPS emails would be blocked. To access the form, please visit

I cannot create your online account without this information. Please do this NOW! 

Dr. MC :)
Wondering about the buzz around Food Day at Community Middle School? Join us for #CMSFRESH!
Check it out!

Scenario Writers will be involved in Food Day through a workshop during FLEX about processed foods. Join us in room 814 during FLEX to brainstorm some creative ideas about the future of food!

The password for this binder is PRISM. The resources are only general and have been compiled to assist you with your research and historical thinking skills.


If you are new to FPS or Scenario Writing and do not have an account on NJFPS from last year, please complete the online form so that I can generate your username and passwords. Unfortunately, our gmail system will not allow you to receive email from the outside and the NJFPS emails would be blocked. To access the form, please visit

Dr. MC

How can we think differently about challenges? Wear many hats!

Please sign up to share and discuss your research through Diigo. It is a fantastic resource for storing and sharing with your group!

In FPS? This is your group page -

In NHD? This is your group page -

Also, we have a Google Plus page to share what we are doing in PRISM each day. Do you want to be one of our bloggers? Let me know! 

In addition to your signed contract, please complete this form so that I may have the exact program details and your contact information.

Contracts and fees are due by Monday, October 13, 2014! Extra copies are outside of 814.

Thank you,
Dr. McLelland-Crawley

**The Open House Documents are uploaded to our calendar under 10/8/2014.**

Thank you for attending our PRISM Open House last night. I wish I had taken photos of the filled Commons area to capture just how many families took part in our program. As promised, the documents from last evening are uploaded for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

Dr. McLelland-Crawley

Hello Parents!

Our Open House is an event for you to get to know our unique gifted programming. Please fill this out if you have any questions specific to your child. I will get back to you shortly.

Dr. McLelland-Crawley

Complete this form first -

Research the characteristics of right and left brain thinkers. Are you more right brained, left brained, or are you whole brained?

What does this mean for you as a learner?

Homework: Complete the Kiersey Survey on our calendar.

Hello environmental stewards! It is time for you to surf your watershed!

Go to

Investigation questions: 

What is the name of our watershed?

What counties are involved in our watershed? 

Are there other watersheds located near our watershed? 

How many rivers, streams, lakes and aquifers are located within our watershed?

What larger ecosystem is our watershed a part of and what are the general environmental concerns of that ecosystem?

Continue your research:

Are there any Superfund Sites in our watershed? 

What are they and what does this mean for our watershed? 

What conditions currently exist in our watershed? 

In what areas are your watershed vulnerable? Summarize in a chart the condition and vulnerability indicators for our watershed(s).
We have been learning a lot about ourselves in PRISM. Here is a link to an article on how our curious minds thrive in an environment where we are learning something we find relevant. Pick the best path for yourself and you will reward your brain! 

In PRISM for ALL today we are completing the Keirsey Temperment Sorter. Please complete this for HW tonight!

FPS crew - make sure you complete your homework!

Dr. MC

Thank you for your active participation in today's workshop.Your next task is to complete your FPS homework before the end of the day on Monday (11:59pm).

The link is:
 Have a great weekend!

Dr. MC

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