FPS & Scenario Writing Food Day Challenges

In honor of our Food Day Extravaganza at CMS, here are specific food challenges for our Future Problem Solvers and Scenario Writers. Make sure you join our Edmodo and share your challenges with the PRISM community to earn PRISM bucks through a PRISM badge!

You may work alone or in teams! Share your photos and observations with me through our class Edmodo. Each day there will be a new discussion thread generated.

Friday 10/24  French fries challenge! Bake a small bag of frozen organic french fries at home, allow them to cool, and then store some of them a ziplock bag in the kitchen on a paper towel or paper plate. Make sure they are not refrigerated. Then get McDonald’s french fries and store some of the in the same manner. You should handle them carefully so you do not contaminate the samples. Keep them dry and do not add ketchup.Take comparison photos of the two bags each day until November 12. Keep all of your pictures and observations in a Google Document and share it with me from day #1!

Monday 10/27 Selfie with an unprocessed food item that you find in your home. Share it with our Edmodo class for PRISM bucks.

Tuesday 10/28 Create an artistic photo (or photo collage) of 5 processed foods and 5 unprocessed foods in your home. What do you notice?

Wednesday 10/29 Select raw produce for dessert at lunch or dinner and snap a selfie! Share it for PRISM bucks!

Thursday 10/30 Enjoy a healthy, unprocessed food item as you complete your Practice Problem #1 submission of the FPS site!

Friday 10/31 Read the ingredients and food labels of the Halloween candy you have collected. Do you know what is in your treat?

Saturday 11/1 Complete the Google Form before Sunday night (http://goo.gl/6GvpUy)  and enjoy a healthy snack with all of that candy you have collected!
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