PRISM for ALL 9.16.15

REMINDER: FPS permission slips are due ASAP for the 10/2 training. Only 80 students can participate in the event. 

Sit at the table labeled with your strongest intelligence. 

Discuss these questions with your peers: 
  • What does this mean for you as a learner?
  • What strategies work best for you when learning new material?
  • What does this mean for you as a collaborative team member moving forward?

Do you know your brain? We focus mainly on the frontal lobe, but review the video from Bozeman Science and take notes on the major parts of the brain. What are the functions of these structures? He reviews the structures at 10:54 on the video.


*7th graders: You know your strengths as a learner. What habits can you put into place to fill in gaps? Check this out. 

Read the article from Medical Daily.

Come prepared to discuss parts of the article that stood out to you based on what we are learning and your knowledge of science. 

What is neuroplasticity or brain plasticity? Click here to find out more!

*8th graders: Read this article on stress and the teen brain. What is the role of the prefrontal cortex? Why is it important to find ways to reduce stress as a teenager? What daily habits can increase dopamine and decrease cortisol?

What is neuroplasticity or brain plasticity? Click here to find out more!

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