PRISM for All 9.21.16

The FPS workshop is completely full. Students who have submitted their permission slips have been invited to the FPS Google Classroom. Pack a lunch and snack for the workshop and check in with your homeroom teacher before heading over to the Commons for a 7:50am start. 


  • What have we discovered so far about ourselves as learners?
  • What do we know about our brain that will help us be more successful problem solvers?

Circadian Rhythms and the Teen Brain

  • What is your sleep debt?
  • What are the affects of sleep deprivation?
  • How does the circadian clock shift for teens?


Complete your video questions from Tuesday. Remember, you only have to answer 10!

Left Brain vs Right Brain

Take the Left Brain – Right Brain Quiz for Teens at  

Remember that you may actually be Whole Brain, and exhibit qualities of both Left and Right Brain behavior (I do).

Read the “Advice for (Left / Right) Brain Students” that will appear after you complete the quiz.  Bring in your results on Thursday so that we can discuss them with the class.

8th Graders: What is Social-Emotional Learning? 

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